Task 1 Core Counselling Skills

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Task 1: Core Counselling Skills Unit 01: 1.1/1.2 In small groups, define the following terms and describe how core counselling skills can be used in a counselling relationship and in other helping activities: Body Language: Used to give encouragement. Hand or leg gestures, movement of head, stance, positioning and facial movement. E.g. Lowering and raising your eyebrows this can show if your unhappy, confused, or if your happy or surprised. Tone: Is the way something is said, pitch, speed, volume, soft or harsh. For example the person may not remember what was said, but they will always remember how you made them feel. Paraphrasing: This involves repeating what’s been said by putting it into your own words. It lets the person know you’re following and checks out your own understanding. E.g. Client “I’m having a tough time at my job” Counseller “Things feel really difficult for you at work”. Reflecting: This is when you feed back your perception of the emotions that the person may be experiencing. Counseller “It sounds as though you may be angry

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