Using Counselling Skills

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Understanding the context for the use of Counselling Skills Counsellors are not the only people to use counselling skills as many professions use counselling skills – teachers, church workers, police, doctors, nurses to name but a few. Counselling skills are relevant to any number of paid or unpaid roles where adults interact with other adults or indeed with children. According to Bond (standards and ethics), counselling in its narrowest sense defines a specific role but more generically it can be used to include any or all of advice, guidance, befriending or using counselling skills. Counselling skills can be used to enhance communication and can be incorporated into a professional caring role and can be used to benefit organisations as well as individuals(Stokes in Aldridge and Rigby) for example if a pupil is underperforming , a teacher could use counselling skills to find out if there are any underlying issues. McLeod also suggests that counselling skills can be used in a range of self help groups such as sliming groups or Alcohics Anonymous or in life coaching – although this focuses on the promotion of positive effectiveness or achievement. Users of counselling skills often have dual responsibilities both to the recipient of their skills and the organisation that they are operating within.(Stokes in Aldridge and Rigby). This can be a cause of conflict. Counsellors can avoid this conflict by starting the counselling relationship with a contract that ensures confidentiality and helps create a safe environment that supports a client by setting down guidelines for a working/ professional relationship that includes boundaries, conduct, timekeeping.(class activity term 1) Although counsellors are not regulated by any government body, they do adhere to a code of practise from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). The ethical

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