Shawshank Redemption Review

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Mikael Ari W 124214015 Angeline Rebecca 124214035 Yanadi Ayu 124214059 Kevin Christy 124214056 Agustina Renie 124214064 Puti Fara 124214065 PREVIEWING QUESTIONS 1. Imagine that you have been asked to direct the film The Shawshank Redemption. Whom would you choose to play the main roles? Which scenes from the novel would you include in the film version and which would you exclude? Why? Would you change the story in any way? Why or why not? 2. What are your expectations for the movie? Do you think this novel will have been filmed with elements of drama, comedy, tragedy, or suspense? What scenes do you hope the director will have filmed? What scenes do you hope will have been excluded? Why? 3. When books are made into film versions, the ending of the story is often changed. (it is either made more concrete or final, and sometime a sad ending is even changed into a happy one.) Would you change the ending of The Shawshank Redemption? If so, how would you change it? 1. a. The ones who will play the main roles : i. Red ii. Andy iii. Norton b. scenes from the novel that we will include : iv. the one when Andy comes v. the one when Andy offer Hadley to solve his tax problem vi. the one when Andy become financial officer of the prison vii. the one when Andy escapes viii. the one when Red try to find the volcano rock c. Exclude : ix. the one when Brook committed suicide after coming out from prison d. no, we won’t change the story. The plot of the story is already interesting. 2. We expect the movie will be a drama movie. e. scenes from the novel that we will include : x. the one when Andy comes xi. the one when he offer hadley to solve his tax problem xii. the one when Andy become financial officer of the prison
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