Run Lola Run

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Distinctively visual - Run Lola Run (Chosen Film) Distinctively visual texts aim to manipulate the way we explore and interpret the images we see, affecting the way we make interpretations based on experiences we see in the world. The distinctively visual represented in 'Run Lola Run' (1998) by Tom Tykwer is significantly strong as unique images dominate the screen to create a thrilling film. This post modern film incorporates several sophisticating and effective elements to convey ideas and themes. Tykwer implements recurring motifs and symbols such as clocks to emphasise the importance of time. Time is a significant theme within the film as the pratagonist, Lola is on a game like mission to save her boyfriend, introducing the idea of game theory. This is clearly reflected through the same use of animation where Lola is given three chances to succeed in her mission. The use of multiple distinctively visual features throughout the film successfully create an exceptional viewing experience. The most significant idea conveyed throughout 'Run Lola Run' is that of time. Time is eminent from the opening sequence where the viewer observes the large clock swinging loudly from side to side. This is supported with the diegetic sound of a ticking clock, and fast paced techno music clearly emphasising the fact that time will play a fundamental part in the film. there are several references to the limited amount of time Lola has to save Manni from Ronnie and his gan. The 20 minutes till noon are constantly focused on as the countdown begins at the start of each run. Tykwer incorporates a variety of symbolic representations of time through the constant use of clocks. We observe a clock in Lola's bedroom as she runs out of the apartment. We also see a clock outside the phone booth where Manni is waiting for Lola, constantly reminding him of how much time he has left. As Lola

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