Run Lola Run Analysis

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ESSAY RUN LOLA RUN & SCREAM Abdul Shah Tom Twyker and Edward Munch use distinctively visual elements to convey meaning in “Run Lola Run” and “The Scream”. They use many different techniques to evoke their emotions and their ideas. Run Lola Run is a movie based on two main characters, Lola and Manni. The movie shows how Manni loses the money and how desperate Lola is trying to get the money for him. The movie is divided into three parts with three different endings and conclusions. Twyker uses five main themes so convey meaning in the meaning, love, chance, time, fate and coincidence. On…show more content…
Coincidence is the similar to chance in many ways but chance is a collection of two or more events or conditions, closely related by time, space, form, or other associations which appear unlikely to bear a relationship as either cause to effect or effects of a shared cause, within the observer's or observers' understanding of what cause can produce what effects. This is evident in the scene when Lola places the bet on the number 20, which coincidentally is the amount of time that Manni has left to get the money for Ronnie. Another scene would be is it coincidence that the ambulance is always on the same path as the one that Lola is running on. The techniques that are evident in these scenes are close ups to show the view of the number 20 on the roulette, high shots to show the ambulance travelling and Lola running behind the vehicle. Coincidence plays a major part in the movie at times and it structures the way Manni and Lola are trying to get the money. Coincidence can be beneficial or harmful to people in real live because people don’t know what will happen, how on thing can be the same as another thing in their…show more content…
He is a very mentally unstable person because of his drinking problems, anxiety and depression that he has faced during most of his life. He shows us an honest, even ugly, glimpse of his inner troubles and feelings of anxiety through his painting. According to Munch, the paintings ide got to his mind when he was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly the sky turned bold red. He stopped and leaned against the fence, felling unspeakably. While a mountaintop or a scenic view of the Norwegian landscape displayed from an elevation. He pains the sky red because he fells that the world is a very dangerous place and he is in fear. The technique he uses is that he uses different colours so emphasise different emotions in the painting. He uses this technique when he paints the sky bold red and colours the landscape behind him in a very deep blue colour. This emphasises that something’s wrong, furious nature and darkness is looming. Not everyone sees the world as another person; everyone has a different perspective of life and what the person wants to do with it. In conclusion, Edward Munch’s painting, “The Scream” and Tom Twyker’s movie “Run Lola Run”, they use different distinctively techniques to visualize different emotions and felling’s. They see the world differently from one another and they use different methods to portray distinctively visual elements in their paintings

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