Run Lola Run Speech

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Many texts show a great depth in visual elements to portray their central ideas. “Run Lola Run” Directed by Tom Tykwer and “Next” by Lee Tamahori both dramatically portray our position within time itself and how much of a difference a day really makes. Although our lives are governed by time, these directors show us the possibility of time being manipulated, which makes the viewer ponder, “If only I could control time”. Time itself is the way the world moves on. In ‘Run Lola Run’, we see the constant visual technique of clocks re-occurring throughout the film to remind us of how time has a greater power over us than we sometimes realize and that we cannot control it. Similarly in the film ‘Next’, Clocks are repeatedly emphasized such as a ticking clock that is emphasized on the opening Logos of the two main film producers and the constant flashes of clocks when Cris views the future. In Both films, the Credits roll down the screen instead of the usual up. This could signify the importance of manipulating time within the films. The Idea of the Butterfly effect or Chaos theory is a hugely emphasized feature of both films. Some of Lola’s actions throughout her 3 runs cause Major changes in others’ lives. From ‘Causing’ a woman to steal someone’s baby to winning the lottery just by running past the woman in a different way. Tom Tykwer uses Snapshot sounds and images as a technique to tell the story of each person Lola has affected throughout the film after she has interacted with them. This happens for these people 3 times each throughout the 3 runs and all of their fates were changed due to a simple choice Lola made when she met them. A tagline of the movie states “Every second of every day, you’re faced with a decision that can change your life”. Contrastingly, Cris Johnson in “Next” shares his knowledge of how one thing can affect the course of time. He

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