Roles and Functions of Health Care Managers

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Roles and Functions of Health Care Managers Rechanda Primas HCS 325 December 12, 2011 Stephanie McCrary Roles and Functions of Health Care Managers In today’s lifestyle, health care managers are very important to ensure that each office runs effectively, efficiently, and productively. The most important role and function that a health care manager should possess is the ability to plan. According to the reading, “planning is the process of setting performance objectives and determining what action should be taken to accomplish them. Through planning, a manager is able to identify desired work results, make decisions, and lay the path for others to achieve the results” (Lombardi, eBooks Collections) Planning is crucial because it allows the overall team to be prepared in the event that changes need to occur. If the health care manager has the ability to plan, then the changes won’t come as a drastic occurrence that would otherwise lead to bigger problems. An example of this would be to have back up staff available, should a flu epidemic break out. With this being flu season, more and more employees will be out sick. The best way to handle this is to make sure that either the rest of the employees are cross-trained within their job description’s practice and scope, or hire PRN (as needed) staff to be on call. By doing this, the manager is putting into action the strategies will reduce the negative impact that this could have. The most significant aspect related to health care management that I would like to gain from taking this class is time management. Because there are so many things that must be done on a given day, it becomes difficult to do everything that is tasked as a manager. According to the reading, “15 percent of managerial time is dedicated to managerial time” (Lombardi, eBook Collections) Of the 15 percent, meetings take up the
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