Strengthening the Orientation Process

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Strengthening the Orientation Process Elizabeth Midiri Kaplan University NU420: Leadership and Management in the Changing Healthcare Environment Jeremy Lewis MSN February 11, 2014 Staff development specialists understand that the way new employees are oriented to an organization has a significant effect on their job satisfaction and retention. Antiquated orientation programs can leave new nurses feeling unsure and disconnected once they leave the safety and structure of orientation. During the orientation process, new nurses are inundated with new material and can find the time frame for absorption and application is not adequate. Inadequate orientation programs can set new nurses up for failure and, ultimately, the organization can lose a valuable asset through lack of investment and mentoring. New nurses can experience “transition shock” due the pace of reasoning and level of engagement expected of them and the knowledge they are now professionally responsible and accountable for their actions (Price, 2013). Classroom Orientation There are a variety of traditional and nontraditional learning mechanisms that can be used during the orientation process. Staff educators can use a variety of approaches based on the individuals learning style preferences (Robitaille, 2013). Corporations and schools are discovering that direct instruction and lecture are not effective teaching tools in a group setting. However, providing individual instruction to a large group would be time exhaustive and cost prohibitive. Combine this new found knowledge with the fact that simulation can be a valuable and effective learning experiences, corporations are embracing a “flipped learning” model. In “flipped learning” instruction is delivered using easy-to-make instructional videos. The premise is that direct instruction time should focus on individualized assistance for more difficult

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