Role of Kings Sparta

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Formative Task – Ancient Societies – Sparta. . The Spartans believed that Lycurgus examined all other systems of government and incorporated the best parts to form the Spartans system of government. Polybius and Plato described the Spartan system as a mixed constitution with elements of democracy, oligarchy and monarchy. The inclusion of the two kings was the monarchical element of the constitution. They derived from the coalition of the original 2 tribes, the Agiads and the Eurypontids, and each tribe supplied a king each. The two kings had equal power. They also had military, religious and judicial roles within Spartan society. Plus, they were given special honours and privileges within those roles. Despite these roles and privileges they kept a check on each other, were to abide by the laws and were to report to the ephors when on campaign. Decisions made on campaign had to be ratified by the ekklesia. Thus, they did not have unlimited or absolute power. A Spartan king was expected to fulfil many roles and ensure that Spartan continual welfare and survival were under control. Both of the kings were members of the gerousia, a chief priest, and commander –in-chief of the army and judge and lawgiver. One of the major roles the kings were apart of was the political duties, as citizens of Sparta kings were eligible to participate in the political issues of Sparta. Since they were members of the gerousia they were allowed to take part in debates this means that they could initiate both laws and policies in Sparta, but with this came the restriction of not having more power than the 28 member of the assembly itself. According to the ancient historian Herodotus , the kings had political privileges as he says , ‘’they shall sit with the twenty-eight gerontes in the council, but if they do not attend,

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