Politics in Sparta

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SPARTA'S POLITICS During the classical period Sparta's politics were different from Athens' politics. Athens used tyranny in their government and also used a form of democracy. Sparta did not like the way tyranny worked so they produced a different form of government. The Spartans had a constitution or what they called a rhetra, which came from the Great Rhetra . The Spartans formed a very complex government mixing democracy and oligarchy, and this form of government was a model for other poleis. The government was made up of three parts, the kingship which was unique in that there were two kings, the Gerousia (the council of elders), the Ephorate, and the Assembly. The kingship in Sparta was shared by two kings. These kings inherit their position. They share equal powers and hold responsibilities for life. The kings were so important that they had 100 men as bodyguards! Some of their responsibilities included being active commanders of the army, which gives them power to go to war with any country they choose. There were reforms instituted, that restricted some powers of the kings. They held no judicial power. The council of elders called Gerousia, were elected by the Assembly and held office for life. The Gerousia, consisted of 30 men including the two kings. They had to be over sixty years old, except the two kings. This is why they called it the council of elders: 28 of them had to be over sixty years old. Also, to be elected, you had to be a man and come from a noble family. The Gerousia's responsibilities included acting as the judicial power in criminal cases, and preparing measures written by the Assembly, but they could overturn any of these measures if they thought that they were not good. The Ephorate was the biggest constitutional change which occured after the first Messenian war. The Ephorate was five men. At first the kings chose these men
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