Athenian Democracy Essay

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Athenian Democracy Athenian democracy is original democracy a democracy which is by the people for the people but who classifies as the people, everyone within the Athenian border? No ‘the people’ are a select elite called ‘citizens’ the citizens of Athens are those who have been born an Athenian or if you are in Athens long enough to appear to be an Athenian. Others who do not classify for the citizenship are left to take what the state throws at them whether it be slave labour or enlistment. Athenian democracy compared to today is extremely different, we have no racial, political discrimination, and all who are citizens of a democratic country and are of age may politicly partake in voting and any other job in politics they have the requirements for, whereas in Athenian democracy only the elite could partake in political discussions and be valued by the political community. In reality Athenian democracy is a complete mockery of itself by not abiding by the ‘guidelines of democracy.’(i.e. for the people by the people). Although Athenian Democracy has its flaws it also has positives, during the time of democratic Athens, Athens was at its height of wealth, it was the most knowledgeable state in ancient Greece, Athens was the centre point of the time. Athenian democracy worked in many ways, with the extent of the voting systems Athens was able to vote quite accurately and thoroughly. At the time of democratic Athens a very influential figure took the chance of becoming a king in a democratic society, Pericles in some ways he achieved what he set out to do, Pericles had a great influence on the Athenian democracy, a great example of his influence is his funeral oration or his famed building programme. Athens may have let a power hungry noble slip through its wise fingers but Athens would never let an inferior get close to partaking in political ‘meetings.’ Athenian
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