Athens Vs Sparta

374 Words2 Pages
Athens and Sparta are alike in many ways. Their governmental structures are the same and they both have a disciplined philosophy. Athens and Sparta are both Greek cities, so they share the Greek ways of life. This includes religion, language, and cultures. The social classes are alike in both societies. The citizens of Athens and Sparta were both slaves at one point in history. Spartan society is separated into three different social classes. Two kings ruled over the citizens in different ways. One would oversee the army, while one would look after the home front. The military controlled citizens from birth to death. Every male must enroll into the military. Their philosophy is based on strength, and this causes them to have an unbeatable army. The Spartan citizens were once considered as being something close to slaves. Athens' citizens are formed into several top groups in their society. Metics and slaves made up half of the population. The government was aristocratic and only citizens who owned land held office. The government was once ruled over by kings, but then changed into a democracy. Wisdom was thought to be the most important aspect in forming a successful city-state. They believed knowledge was everything. Both Athens and Sparta are Greek city-states. This means that the religion, language, and culture are alike in both. Males were more important in the society than women, but they also wanted their women to be strong. Strong women give birth to strong babies. They were united by the same common enemy, Persia. They went on to fight together in the Persian War. The social classes were alike because they both involved different levels in the city-states. Athens and Sparta are both different and alike. Athens' most important aspect in the society was knowledge, while strength was important to the Spartans. They both had slaves work in the
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