Response to “We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom to Think” by Kie Ho

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We read the article, “We Should Cherish Our Children’s Freedom to Think” last week. The author Kie Ho uses his own experiences about his son’s thought and many examples to prove his point. He thinks that public education certainly is not perfect in America, but it is a great deal better than any other country. Children should be more liberal thinking, writing and imagining, rather than comply with the rules or follow the prescribed order of their parents and the execution of what adults say. Children’s creativity brings inspiration to adults, improves the act of education and makes the change to the world. It is also can make children have a better future. The system of education is not perfect; it is difficult for the children to freely to think, write and create when they began to study the knowledge from the school for a long time, because school teaches the knowledge that is scientific and rigorous. The knowledge is the system and it needs to be audited and modified. Chinese students spend 15 to17 years study knowledge in school. So the school does not require students to research the new knowledge. They just need the student to memorize and calculate rather than to validate it that is correct. Just like the sky is blue. Why? Because our teacher is telling us the sky is blue. When people are very young, they do not know what many words mean. And the meaning of these words is also what other people give to it. After that their parents or teachers teach them what these words mean, because that knowledge is fixed and cannot be changed. The reality of the society requires people to not only to remember the knowledge, but also have to complete experiments. Solving the reality and ideal conflict can also make the education system more perfect. I agree with the author’s point that the students just use ways of dedication and obedience to answer the
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