Support Teaching and Learning

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support teaching and learning Unit 312 Support numeracy development Outcome 1: Understand current national and organisational frameworks for mathematics 1.1: Explain the aims and importance of learning provision for numeracy development The aims and importance of learning provision for numeracy development is to ensure that all pupils understand that maths is an important part of everyday life, and will continue to be used throughout their life. Maths is taught to children in many different ways, sometimes there can be too much emphasis on the recording of ‘sums’, if this is introduced to children too early it can slow down the pupil’s progress in thinking mathematically. Maths is now taught very differently to when I was in school, because there is more emphasis now in how you arrive at the answer and finding different methods of arriving at the correct answer particularly in the early primary phase. Showing the children different methods of arriving at the answer improves their investigation skills. The mathematics curriculum is intended to give the children a better understanding of numeracy. The end goal means more students will be able to solve a mathematical problem independently using a method that suits them. They can then develop their learning to improve their knowledge and apply it to real life situations; such as counting in groups of numbers such as 5’s or 10’s, which in turn can be applied when paying for shopping with money. As students’ progress they can build on these skills, by recording the levels of achievement, they can be supported to help fully access the curriculum. Mathematical skills in the Early Years are developed through practical work to give the children a better understanding of maths e.g. shape sorting, recognising patterns, counting etc. The children

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