Research Paper On Amish Culture

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The Amish Dotty J. Davis ANT101 – Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Professor Jennifer Cramer August 27, 2012 The Amish The purpose of this paper is to examine the Amish culture, their beliefs and values, economic organizations and gender relations. The Amish are a plain people (Hunter, Kershner & Starbuck, 2005) and it is interesting how they are able to maintain their way of life. They do not necessarily shun the Western culture but they follow and remain faithful to their beliefs. While examining Amish culture, beliefs and values, their economic organization, exploring their history, the Amish have managed to stay true to their culture despite the world around them. Introduction The Amish started out in Europe (Switzerland…show more content…
Children, at 16 or older, are baptized after a rite of passage called rumspringa. Rumspringa is when the children are allowed to experience the worldly things not associated with the Amish lifestyle, before they decide to be baptized and become a member of the church (Miller, 2006). Most of these children decide to stay with the Amish lifestyle. Those that choose not to baptize are not shunned and can usually still visit with their friends and families (Shachtman, 2006). The Amish do not believe that children need to be educated after a certain age. They are schooled until eighth grade and then on to working in the community. Some attend Amish schools and some attend public schools. There is no technology in Amish schools and the curriculum is English, writing, reading, grammar, spelling, penmanship and math. They speak German, English and some speak a form of German dialect called Pennsylvania Dutch (Hunter, Kershner &…show more content…
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