Effects Of Imperialism In Sub-Saharan Africa

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EFFECT OF DEVELOPMENT ON AGRICULTURE IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA, CAMEROON AND ETHIOPIA UNIVERSITY OF ILLIONOIS AT CHICAGO GEOGRAPHY 151, FALL 2012 IDRIS YATOU TA: WALKER The history of Africa is one riddled with European feudalistic, capitalistic, and imperialistic influences. France, Germany, Italy, and Great Britain colonized and exploited Africa’s land and resources, particularly in the nineteenth and twentieth century. Many of those colonized African nations were crippled after gaining their independence from European colonizers; and several have not, unfortunately, been able to successfully develop an autonomous and healthy nation-state. There are some areas of Africa that are worse than others. In particular, Sub-Saharan Africa has…show more content…
Ethiopia, situated inside the Horn of Africa, is located in the farthest east side of Africa whereas Cameroon is located in the middle west side of Africa. Cameroon and Ethiopia have a very similar economic history where they have both been producing approximately the same amount of agriculture, with an agricultural production growth above 120 every year (United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Production, 2001), but exhausted very differently. Not long before Cameroon’s current leader, Paul Biya, took office in the mid 1980s, Cameroon had a long sustained economic growth where agriculture played a major role in the country, contributing nearly 50% of the economic growth at the time (Rudar, 2008). This production was because of the state’s subsidies to the farmers in terms of agricultural inputs, equipment, transfer of technology and finance. At this time, however, crops like cocoa, coffee, and cotton (Cameroon’s main agricultural…show more content…
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