Renaissance vs. Harlem Renaissance

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IWT1 Task I Renaissance vs. Harlem Renaissance A1. - Renaissance Period of Art History The Renaissance was known as a period of revival or rebirth. The Renaissance period was born in Florence, Italy but spread throughout Europe in the late 14th through the 17th century. It was an age of expression and is marked by great changes. This period places great emphasis on the creativity and innovation of the humanistic side. It may have been a stepping stone from the Black Death. This plague killed so many people, that it created an indescribable yearning for understanding the meaning of life on earth and individual mortality. In this period arose Classical learning and the arts. This rebirthing period brought forward a new culture of humanistic values of Christianity, new ideas in science, philosophy, and politics as well as in literature and the fine arts. This was also a time of hierarchy, whereas, the social status of your parents deemed your place in society. In this Renaissance period of history, we find such great painting artist such as Leonardo Da Vinci, known for his painting of “The Last Supper” and the “Mona Lisa.” His work has demonstrated distinction and precision of the humanistic side of the characters in his paintings. It has great definition in the details of emotion and expression, included in the facial features, attire and surroundings. He captures the realism in both paintings. Other great artist of this time includes, Michelangelo’s “Sistine Chapel” & his sculpture of “David” as well as Raphael’s “The Transfiguration” & “Madonna del Granduca”. These paintings are not just found in the history books or museums of today, but have been recreated in many churches. You can typically find them in the Greek Orthodox and Catholic Churches. The entertainment of music during the Renaissance period entertained both
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