Relationship Between Private and Public Police

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Relationship Between Private and Public Police Tiara Juarez CJS/250 November 24, 2013 John Adams Relationship Between Private and Public Police Private and Public Police are both very important. They both do their part in keeping the public safe in most cases. They do not however have the closest relationship. Having the public and private police work more closely together could help to prevent and fight against crime. There are several ways that this relationship can be improved to make this happen. Private and Public Police Private police are employed by private companies that pay to have their place of business protected from theft and other potential problems. Since they are employed by companies rather than the government, the burden is not put on the tax payers. Private police or private security has more resources than that of public law enforcement does financially. Private security or police are generally better educated and have access to more security equipment. (Carter, 2003). Public police are employed by the government and therefore the tax payers. Since they are funded by the taxpayers they must use the budget that they are allotted. This means that they cannot afford the latest security equipment and they are less likely to have highly educated individuals because police officers go through the police academy before becoming a police officer rather than college. While their funding and education may be lacking they are trained in areas that the private security or police are not. (Samuels, 2003). Both the private and public police have their negatives and positives. While the relationship between them is not a positive one, it could definitely become a positive relationship. Public and private police both have positive attributes that they can bring to the relationship. While the private police have the
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