Recycling Lesson Plan Preschool

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Lesson Plan Topic: Recycling Age Level: Preschool Introductory Experience: Clearly describe how you will use the following items to introduce the topic. Ask the students to brainstorm ideas about garbage and recycling and record their ideas on a board or chart paper. Focus on explaining how we depend on the earth's resources, and how we can play a role in taking care of the earth. Tell the students that they are going to learn more about recycling and reusing materials. Ask questions to ensure students' understanding of the differences between the items you have presented to them.. List each of the following items: Book: Don't Throw That Away by Lara Bergen Artifacts used: Bring many items which can be recycled in different ways. Bring items which have been recycled such as paper, plastic cartons etc. Bring items which have been upcycled. Bring photos of landfills, dumptrucks, and different items which are able to be recycled. Bring a recycling box from the city. Possible discussion questions: List how you will document responses: I think a KWL chart will work really well in this particular unit. It will give a good understanding of what children already know and where they want to go with the topic Props added to classroom on introductory day: Recycling tubs, items which are recyclable, books. List the Concept Objective(s) to be reinforced this week: Children will explore ways in which items can be recycled by using them to create new items. Children will see where items go after the garbage man collects them. Children will begin to gain some understanding about why we recycle. Children will learn how items are separated and cleaned prior to being picked up by the garbage man. List the Developmental Objectives with ELS to be reinforced this week. Large Motor / IELS: 7.3.2 Shows abilities to coordinate movement such as throwing, kicking,

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