Recidivism Among Sex Offenders

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Bibliography Beggs, S. (2010). Within-treatment outcome among sexual offenders: A review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15(5), 369-379. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2010.06.005 The author Beggs studied in New Zealand. This study is about how well the individual performs in treatment or the change that was achieved. The studied used psychometric change scores, risk instruments, goal attainment scaling and other rating systems. This to find validity of the problems that is focused on the relationship between within-treatment outcome and reoffending. The influence is an important post-treatment clinical decision that was release or supervision. There was a mix of findings Gerhold , C. K., Browne , K. D., & Beckett, R. (2007). Predicting recidivism in adolescent sexual offenders. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12, 427-438. doi:10.1016./j.avb.2006.10.004 The…show more content…
E., & Harris , G. T. (2013). What does it mean when age is related to recidivism among sex offenders? Law and Human Behavior, 12. doi:10.1037/lhb0000052 Tierney, D. W., & McCabe, M. P. (2002). Motivation for behavior change among sex offenders a revuew if the literature. Clinical Psychology Review, 22, 113-129. The author Tierney and McCabe studied at the school of psychology, Deakin University in Burwood, Victoria, Australia. This behavior change has a motivation with the issue treatment if sex offenders. The issue has no systematic investigation. This aim was drawn together with literature with motivation that change among sex offenders. The second is highlighted issues to address the empirical investigation of motivation the change of the sex offenders. There was a better understanding of motivation to change the sex offenders that contribute to enhance the treatment programs for the offenders. Worling , J. R., & Curwen, T. (2000). Adolescent sexual offender recidivism: success of specialized treatment and implications of risk prediction. Child Abuse & Neglect, 24(7),

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