Criminal Justice Act 1998: Criminal Prosecution By Police For Assault

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Act of Parliament/regulation/guideline | Use | Type of abuse | Criminal Justice Act 1998 | Criminal prosecution by police for assault. | Physical | Civil action by the victim | For assault, battery or false imprisonment. | Physical | Care Standards Act 2000 | Regulation of residential and nursing homes, cancelation of registration, emergency cancelation, for breach of regulations. However, it is the driving up of quality as a result of this act which offers the best protection against abuse. | Institutional | Sexual Offences Act 2003 | Police prosecution for rape, indecent assault and other sexual offences. This act has greatly increased the protection for people with a learning disability or mental health…show more content…
| All | Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2006 | Sets up vetting and barring scheme for people who work with children and vulnerable adults in England and Wales. | All | Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 | Sets up a vetting and barring scheme for people who work with vulnerable adults in Scotland | All in Scotland | Adult support and Protection (Scotland) Act (ASPA) 2007 | Gives local authorities in Scotland the power to enter premises where they suspect abuse is taking place, and there are also powers to remove perpetrators and ban them from returning to the premises. | Physical, sexual | Criminal injuries compensation scheme | Can provide payments for survivors of abuse that was the result of a criminal act. | Physical, sexual, financial if criminally proven. | Mental capacity Act 2005 | A criminal offence to ill-treat or neglect a person who lacks capacity. | Physical, sexual, neglect
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