Pros And Cons Of Steroids: The Nasty Controversy

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Steroids: the Nasty Controversy In today’s society people want to be their best and get there by any means necessary. People want to find the shortest and easiest way to make it to the top. People who choose to use steroids and HGH for reasons other than appropriate medical treatments fail to recognize that they not only damage themselves but they also damage the sport by cheapening any victories they claim. Some human beings out in the world believe that the use of steroids and HGH in sports is a good thing. They are wrong!!! According to Valey in General one file “Evidence is provided for the widely prevalent use and abuse of performance-enhancing drugs among many players of the National Football League (NFL).…show more content…
Players who decide to use steroids to better their performance are an embarrassment to the game. I am glad they banned steroids from sports such as football and baseball. As said by Jasmin Guénette, director of public relations at the Montreal Economic Institute, a libertarian, free-market think tank, is author of La Production Privée de la Sécurité [Private Production of Safety]. “Now, should baseball—or any other professional league—ban performance-enhancing drugs? The answer is yes”. It is the right choice; it is unsportsmanlike and cheapens the sport. Steroids and HGH can make someone who is puny, scrawny and didn’t work for anything and turns them into an all-star. They unfairly make it to the top. Not to mention the unhealthy factors. Stated by Michael Scott a well known writer, he said “Some athletes should just ask themselves one question: Do we really want to harm our bodies and tarnish the image of sports in order to be successful?”. Michael is exactly right because a game is just 60 minutes but injury can be a life time. If you live life for the moment then sports aren’t your thing. Because if you don’t prepare and save your body you are hurting your team and teams are what make

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