Promoting Positive Behaviour

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Promoting Positive Behaviour There are different qualities that are needed when promoting positive behaviour; these can involve anything from working to the code of practice, using the knowledge from behaviour management plans, Using frameworks such as team teach and, when necessary and risk assessments if involved in any activity. There are also some other approaches that you could consider, these are • BEHAVOURIST APPROACH, This is when you offer rewards for acceptable behaviour and sanctions for unacceptable behaviour, for example the reward could be allowing the child to listen to the music and the sanction could be no music until you stop shouting .It’s said that the positive discipline can motivate the children to change their behaviour, in some children this could be due to them being competitive and they respond to the incentive. For others it might be due to the praise and recognition that’s given which helps motivate them. There is evidence to show that this works with the incentives in Place but any changes in the behaviour will need to be maintained and built on. • COGNITIVIST APPROACH, the cognitive approach centres around the theory that how you think affects the things you do, hence the best way to approach this within my role is to provide the child with tools to help them to respond to the triggers that affect their behaviour. This could enable them to improve and develop their problem solving skills, their self control and also introduces a way of coping with stress. • HUMANIST APPROACH, The humanist approach is centred on improving the child’s self esteem and aims to enable them to deal with their feelings and emotion, which causes a reduction in challenging behaviour. A good relationship with the child in your care is central to the humanist approach, as it enables you to understand the child, and helps the child to manage their own

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