The Four Goals Of Psycology

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The Four Goals of Psychology Psychology is a way to help describe certain behaviors and help understand why they occur and why they change. Psychologist’s goals are to search for knowledge that will benefit humanity. The four goals of psychology are to describe, understand, predict, and control behavior. In my opinion the four goals of psychology can help humanity in many ways. Each goal has a contributing factor in helping to give insight on different types of behaviors and can offer guidance in overcoming certain behaviors. One example of how these goals can help humanity is behavior in children. Some children that have behavior problems may be labeled or described as emotional disturbed. Once this description is put into place it provides insight to understanding why they behave the way they do. Understanding the reason for a certain behavior coming from a child that is emotionally disturbed is very important for their teachers, parents and peers. They need to be supportive and have more patience to have successful relationships with that child. Observing a child in different environments and personalities can help predict what will set them off. Once that is determined, different ways of controlling or influencing the behavior can be accomplished. You can help the child avoid those types of situations. Also providing them strategies to handle those situations will help control their behavior. Using the four goals of psychology will help a child that is emotional disturbed or having behavioral problems have more successful opportunities in school and throughout their life. Another example of how the goals of psychology can make a difference is with repeating criminals. Describing their behavior and what type of crimes they are committing may offer insight and understanding on why they do what they do. There may be several reasons on why a criminal
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