Cypop 14 Essay

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Unit CYPOP 14 – Support Children & Young people to have positive relationships L.O 1.1- Identify the different relationships children and young people may have Parents Carers Siblings Family Friendships Emotional/sexual Acquaintances Extended family Healthcare providers Social workers Teachers Childminders Neighbours. L.O 1.2 – Explain the importance of positive relationships for development and wellbeing Positive relationships are important as they will help children feel more secure and happy in the setting. If the child feels secure they are less likely to have any separation anxiety and more likely to get involved in play and other activities which will help their overall development. A child who has positive relationships is more likely to talk more and develop their language skills. They will also be less likely to show unwanted behaviour because the carer will be able to recognise their needs and meet them. Positive relationships will help a practitioner plan more accurately, they will know what the child’s development needs are and plan for them. If the practitioner and the child have a positive relationship the practitioner will be able to read the child’s expressions and respond appropriately. Renouf (2007) maintains that children are influenced by what they see around them. In other words, they are influenced by their role models. It is crucial that their relationships are positive and encouraging so that they can develop their social, emotional and behavioural skills. L.O 1.3 – Explain the possible effects of children having restricted, or supervised contact in order to maintain relationships. Restricted/supervised visiting will help to provide a safe a secure environment for children to have a relationship with their parents if they have been separated from them. Children may be separated from their parents for
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