Explain The Different Types Of Conflicts And Dilemmas That May Occur When Sharing Information

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Assignment 013 Task A DORIANA DEMIRI 1. Working in partnership is really important for the child development.Is going to help him in learning,health and communication.Working together is more effective.Sharing and respect each other knowledge is giving to the child the best positive way to start.The communication it has to be clear because like this you can understand better the child needs.Building a good relationship with the parents of the child is important because the parents are they that know better their child so you can give support to the family.Working together as a group is going to help to understand if the child needs the help of more that one specialist. 2. Social worker Nurse Head Teacher Parents/Carers…show more content…
Clear and effective information between partners is important: a. It makes sure that all the team is working for the same aim b. Achieve the best for the child and the family. 2. Sharing information POLICY When a child is believed to be at risk of harm PROCEDURE Manager contact children’s social care for advice where they have doubt or are unsure 3. Conflicts and Dilemmas that may occur when sharing information A staff member believes that a child has signs of abuse and another staff member thinks he don’t. This could lead to conflict between the child’s family if staff involves other agencies such as Social Services. Dilemmas could be knowing when to get further help about a child protection issues for example if you did not refer the case to social services the child might still continue to suffer abuse. 4. The legal requirements for recording information a. The most efficient and effective way of keeping information as paper or electronic form b.Their confidential nature c.The security used d.Privacy and disclosure e.accesibility and to whom they are
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