Promote Person Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care

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Unit SHC36 Promote person centred approaches in health and social care 2.2 How do you use care plans when applying person centred values A person and their needs should be at the centre of the support process. A carers role is to make sure that a person has every opportunity to state how they wish their needs to be met. This is especially important when the issues regarding the person are difficult or of a sensitive nature. Person centred working is about putting people in control of their lives, whether it be a new service user or a person who has been “stuck in the system” for many years. Most places will have a format (usually a care plan) for identifying needs such as: * What they are able to do independently * Personal Care * Nutritional Needs * Daily Life * Choice and Control * Risks * Medications * Work, leisure and learning * Physical and mental health It is important that everything is included in the care plan. The person is the central aspect of the care plan and regardless of their state of mind, their dignity, integrity and most importantly, their individuality must be respected. If you look at a care plan as “input” and “outcomes”. THe use of a care plan does not structure itself around the service it provides but what is achieved by people receiving the service. 3.3 Explain the steps you would take if you could not gain consent from a person you support when undertaking an activity Consent can happen or be obtained in many different ways, whether it be informed consent (ensuring the client is informed of the task they are about to undertake), implied consent (a client may imply their consent by for example presenting their arm ready for a blood test or to take their blood pressure), written or verbal consent. However, sometimes it may be difficult to gain consent from a client. If a client
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