Unit 4222-202 Essay

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Unit 4222-204 Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children’s, and young people’s settings Outcome 1 - Understand the implications of duty of care 1.1. Duty of care is the level of service that is expected, to be provided. In health care and social care, this may include to act in the best interests of individuals, to do not act in a way that could cause harm and always act within your own competence and do not do something which you cannot do safely. 1.2. The duty of care affects my own work role by following all policies and procedures set by Mirus, going on training days when needed, always ensuring the service users are safe within their environments and respecting the rights of each service user. Outcome 2 – Understand support available for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care 2.1. ‘It is my duty of care to support service users with their medication and to ensure that they are in good health. A dilemma could be if the service user refused me to administer the medication. I encouraged him and explained to her that he needs to take it so that he can keep in good health but he still refused. Another example, a service user may be a smoker and insist on smoking in his bedroom at night instead of in the smoking room and ignores all advice to go outside or to the smoking room, from staff who is concerned about the health and safety procedure at the workplace. Another situation could be if a service user who is a little nervous and unable to walk properly decides he wants to go out and use the bus instead of a taxi or his own car; he may be at risk of falling and injuring himself, staff and/or others around him.’ 2.2. I can get additional support and advice about how to resolve dilemmas from training, supervision, from my Manager, the internet and also from appropriate professionals such as the GP or the
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