Promote Equality and Inclusion in Health Social Care or Children's and Young People's Settings

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Diversity means difference. It is about recognising individual as well as group differences, treating people as individuals. In the healthcare setting it is important to reflect diversity around gender, race, disability, religion, sexuality and age. Equality is about creating a fair society where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential. An equality approach understands who we are, based on social categories such as gender, race, disability, religion, sexuality and age. Promoting equality should remove discrimination. Inclusion is used to promote the fact that all people should be freely and openly accommodated without restrictions or limitations of any kind. Inclusion is about valuing all individuals, giving equal access and opportunity to all and removing discrimination. Discrimination can make an individual feel in many different ways. The effects can be emotional or/and physical. If a person with a disability is not allowed to join in with an activity this could make the person feel different from others. A few effects could be Depression, fear of rejection, humiliation. These effects can also be felt by the individuals’ families and friends too. They can be subject to discrimination for having a disabled friend or family member. The effects on the person discriminating can be that they themselves are isolated by the wider society that don’t agree with their actions. This could also work the other way with the wider community agreeing with their discrimination. Either way discrimination has an effect on everyone. Inclusive practice promotes equality and diversity by giving everybody regardless of their social categories or disabilities fair and equal opportunities in life. Treating people as an individual, at the same time as allowing them to fulfil their potential. With the tenants I work with daily, all with
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