Problem Solution On Smoking

498 Words2 Pages
Problem Essay Firstly, the amount of people smoking are increasing and government support is one of the biggest factor will be able to help not just one, but also many smokers. They have many ways to do this: such as increasing the price of cigarettes, advertisement champagne and signs informing the cause and effect of smoking. The advantages of this is government is to control the society and be able to reduce the amount of smokers, and they are highly capable of doing it, if they are willingly to use the money that we citizens pay for and try to help smokers to stop. On the other hand no matter how the government try to stop people to smoke, it’s the peoples choice to smoke or not. The government will be able to just only send the message across but its still going to depend on the individual. Government would be able to if they put more time and effort trying to help people stop smoking. Secondly, when smokers realize that their health is becoming a huge issue, they will be able to seek advice from the doctor and they will recommend different options like nicotine gum/ patch, or even medications like Chantix and Zyban for smokers who tried every possible way to stop, but failed. The good side of this, is that it will help smokers to either quit gradually or immediately depending on ones temptation and ones self control. The medication will help them quit and it is very affective. However, medication can have a lot of side effects, which can also cause other health issues, smokers who uses these medications can feel nauseous, vomiting and will also effect the brain, depending which medication. Chantix and Zyban is a medication, which affects the brains by interfering with nicotine receptors in the brain. Overall its depending on the smoker whether they want to have a healthier lifestyle but stop smoking on their own rather than having to take medications for
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