Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Setting

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Principles of communication in adult social care setting Unit 10 1.1 People communicate to express needs, feelings, share ideas and information, ask questions and to share experiences. 1.2 Helps to build trust between service users, colleagues and other adults in the setting. 2.1 Use of first language versus the use of an interpreter, use of the individuals preferred method of communication versus expecting the individual to use your own communication preference. Adapt communication to meet additional learning needs versus gathering information from carers, family and friends. 2.2 Type of communication i.e. complex, sensitive, formal and non-formal. One to one, group with professionals and people using the services. Make sure individual is involved and preffered method of communication is used. 2.3 Non verbal communication – eye contact, touch gestures, body language, behaviour. Verbal communication – vocabulary, linguistic tone, pitch and pace. Sign language, Makaton, braille, the use of signs symbols, pictures and writing. The use of interpreters, translators technological aids. 2.4 Its important to respond to an individuals reactions when communicating to promote the communication cycle and to ensure understanding of the individual and prevent aggression. 3.1 Individuals from different backgrounds may use communication methods in different ways because of the culture background. There could be a different in sign language. 3.2 Barriers to effective communication, • Inappropriate use of sign language • English as an additional language • Environment • Noise • Poor lighting • Sensory impairment • Learning difficulties 3.3 To overcome communication barriers there are many different uses of technology such as hearing aids, induction loops , telephone relay services, use of mobile phones. There are many
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