Phobias and Addictions

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bias Phobias and Addictions PSY/300 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY 2012 PSY300 Phobias and Addictions Sandra Rodriguez PSY/300 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY Instructor: KAREN CROLEY Due Date: 06/26/2012 2012 PSY300 Introduction To better understand ourselves and others, we need to take a look at how we learn our behaviors and why we end up doing what it is that we do. In this paper I will be discussing the phobias and addictions as related to classical and operant conditioning. I will go into a further insight on both of these types of learning and how it explains the way we behave in certain manners towards the same stimulus. By the time you are reading this paper we will have a different perspective on how we learn, what we learns, and when we learn which can help us apply principles of learning to get rid of phobias, leave bad habits, and improve your over life. Physiologist Ivan Pavlov's research on salivation and digestion led to the discovering of classical conditioning. Public Domain Image Physiologist Ivan Pavlov's research on salivation and digestion led to the discovering of classical conditioning. Public Domain Image Let’s learn how we learn The concept of Classical conditioning came for a man named Ivan Pavlov. He was the one who discovered the fact of learning to teach old dog new tricks. Pavlov was a
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