Clasical Conditioning (Phobias)

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This essay will discuss what classical conditioning is and how it explains the development of phobias.. It will then attempt to describe how systematic desensitisation can be used as a method to overcome phobias. Classical conditioning involves learning the conditions which occur previous to the occurrence of particular events. Classical conditioning is learning by association. It was first discovered by Ivan Pavlov and is often called Pavlovian conditioning, (Martin, Carlson & Buskist, 2010). Classical or Pavlovian conditioning can sometimes be involved in the development of phobias. A phobia is a fear of specific objects or situations, (Martin et al., 2010). There are three main types of phobias. Agrophobia is a fear of open spaces and is the most common phobic disorder, (Martin et al., 2010). Specific phobias are phobias such as fear of heights, fear of dogs etc. People who have a specific phobia avoid experiencing these situations or coming into contact with these objects. A social phobia is a fear where people are afraid of being evaluated or assessed by others in public places, (Mineka & Oehlberg, 2008). Phobias may develop by direct experience, by observation or vicariously, (Martin, Carlson & Buskist, 2010). Direct experience is when the person is exposed to the feared object or situation. In other words they have personally encountered the feared object or situation. The development of a phobia through observation may occur for example when a child observes their mother’s negative reaction (e.g. fear) to a dog. This child is likely to pick up on this and develop a fear of dogs. They tend to deal with this fear by avoidance. Development of a phobia vicariously can occur by simply hearing or reading about unpleasant events. Vicarious learning is sometimes known as second order learning as here the person is not personally experiencing the pain or fear

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