Personality Assessment of Bruce Banner

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Personality Assessment of Dr. Bruce Banner I decided to write a personality assessment about the character Dr. Bruce Banner, from the movie Hulk. Since there are essentially two characters within the person of Bruce Banner, there are several different ways at analyzing the character. Because of this I have chosen to examine the character using the personality theory of Freud. The movie begins on a military base in the 1950’s with the character David Banner, who is conducting scientific research with gamma radiation on different animals in a lab. He then injects himself with a serum that he was working on. Soon after his wife tells him that she is pregnant. David becomes suspicious that the child that she is carrying will have the genetic abnormalities that he has injected into himself. The movie then flashes forward to Bruce, the son of David Banner, in a scientific lab, working on gamma radiation with animals, the same as his father. The movie then flashes back to David Banner when Bruce is about four years old and his father David is confronted by the US Military about the research that he was conducting and the fact that he was doing testing on himself. The character of Bruce Banner is seemingly normal and reserved. He is in love with a co-worker named Betty. As the movie progresses there is an accident in the lab and Bruce is exposed to the gamma radiation. This exposure seems to activate the genetic abnormalities and he begins to change. When he becomes angry, instead of dealing with them in a healthy way, the anger builds and combines with the repressed anger. The anger now changes him and he manifests into the Hulk. The character of the Hulk is one of extreme anger caused not only by repressed memories but also of the current situation where he is being challenged and provoked and also where the safety of himself or of Betty is at risk.

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