Personal Communication Skills

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Personal Communication Skills 1 Running Head: Personal Communication Personal Communication Skills Sharon Todd Ashford University Hector Iweka November 26, 2012 Personal Communication Skills 2 Personal Communication Skills The way in which I analyze my personal communications are, referring to person by name when talking with them. People are flattered when they know you are making the conversation private. Making it private also means making your message confidential to the receiver of reference. For example, the same message may be explained in a different way to your friend than to an employer or employee. I make my messages complete and to the point. When speaking, I include all of the necessary information the receiver needs to understand my message to communicate. I also repeat things a lot to make the receiver understand our communication. Sometimes, I use pictures and non-verbal cues as to let the receiver know what I am saying. “No matter what your major, college provides an excellent opportunity to practice and develop your communication skills. These skills include verbal communication, written communication, word processing skills, and communication through e-mail. The purpose of communication through these mediums [oral, written, and electronic] is the promotion of mutual understanding between two or more people. A mastery of the use of all of these communication mediums is expected of new hires in the global marketplace.” “” More than ever before, the ability to communicate well determines an employee's ability to thrive in today's workplace. People with well-developed communication skills are crucial to organizational success.” (Kapustin, Ph.D., S.M) I do have a communication gap. There was a time when I sent an email to my boss to set a time for the interview; I waited for the response but he never emails me back. Personal

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