Part II: Labeling Theory

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Appendix B Part I: Define the following terms Stereotypes A stereotype is a generalization of a particular group based upon race, ethnicity, gender, or religious beliefs. Prejudice Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or idea about a certain group of people. An opinion or idea that is resistant to change. Labeling Theory Labeling theory is a social theory which suggests that the reactions of society to certain behaviors plays a major role in defining or “labeling” people a certain way. For example, people get labeled as deviant based on certain behaviors (thief, prostitute, homosexual) and often begin to perform that role based on their “label”. Part II: Stereotype categories and examples Race There are numerous stereotypes…show more content…
Stereotypes often limit your field of view of others. Stereotypes are something that is learned as you grow. After years of having the same idea and thoughts on certain people it can act as a barrier in discovering who the person really is. For example, when HIV came about years ago the belief was that it was due to gays’. The gay lifestyle was highly criticized as it was. The new stereotype added that additional stigma to them which made it more difficult for them to be accepted. It wasn’t until years later that it became known that it was not just gays, but also heterosexuals and intravenous drug users that also spread this disease. Even though it became well known that there were additional methods of contracting or spreading the disease, gays were still stuck with that…show more content…
A stereotype is the generalization of a particular group. Prejudice is an opinion that is formed based on the race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or ethnicity of a particular group. In addition to prejudice being an opinion, it is also the attitude a person has toward a particular group of people. For example, if I see a person walk into my store wearing high dollar attire and a designer bag I make the assumption (stereotype) that they are hardworking person with a good career. I believe that person might be someone worth getting to know. When I see a person wearing saggy pants and a bandana I immediately believe that they are a thug and want nothing to with them. In reality, it could be the opposite but my prejudice of thugs will not allow me to take the time to discover

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