Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality

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Hnd Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality Jasmine Baker PSY/265 June 2, 2013 Dr. Angela Kolter Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality Censorship and Biological Influence of Homosexuality In ancient Greece the expression of homosexuality was a common practice especially amongst men. The adult males would have intercourse with adolescent boys after their first beard was grown (Rathus and Fichner-Rathus, 2011). The Christian Church and Jews significantly frowned on homosexual behavior perceiving it as a sin (Rathus and Fichner-Rathus, 2011). The governors fined or imprisoned people committing homosexual acts (Rathus and Fichner-Rathus, 2011). The rejection of homosexuality throughout history has led to gays hiding this part of themselves from society. Overtime, science has shown evolution, genetics, and hormones influences sexual orientation. Research of family trees show homosexuality runs in families and a region of the X chromosomes may hold a gene that predisposes one’s sexual orientation (Rathus and Fichner-Rathus, 2011). More people are becoming open about their sexuality and more people are accepting of homosexuality. However, the controversy between heterosexuals and homosexuals is still prevalent. How Gays Perceive Themselves Historical and scientific perspectives have a major effect on how many gays view themselves. Romans in ancient Greece encouraging homosexuality may have viewed it as a form of gender dominance by building that emotional connection. This is an example of the evolutionary perspective. It concludes that strong male–male and female–female alliances have advantages for group survival because group members become emotionally connected (Rathus and Fichner-Rathus, 2011). There is evidence that sexual orientations run in families from genetics. Researchers have linked a region in the X
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