P1. Structure of a Typical Cell.

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P1. Structure of a typical cell. In this task I will outline and describe what can be found inside a typical cell, as it is seen under an electron microscope. The main parts of the cell are: nucleus, cytoplasm, plasma cell membrane, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), Golgi apparatus and lysosomes. I will also include a labelled diagram of a typical cell. Cells Cells are the basic unit of living materials; every individual is made up of billions of cells. Cells vary in size and shape and carry out different functions, but there are three things that can usually be found in any type of cell; nucleus, cytoplasm and membrane (however, a mature red blood cell for example doesn’t have a nucleus so is therefore an exception from this statement). Cells are usually very small and require microscopes for them to be seen. There is only one cell in the body that can be seen with the naked eye, the female ovum. Electron microscopes are used to visualise individual human cells as they are able to see the detailed content of what is within a cell. Nucleus A nucleus is in charge of nearly all of the cells activity. The nucleus’ specific responsibility is to control RNA (ribonucleic acid) and to contain DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Plasma cell membrane A plasma cell membrane is a layer of phosphor-lipid-protein bi-layer. The lipids are small fatty molecules in the bi-layers and are there to protect the inner components of the cell. They do this because they are insoluble in water. Cytoplasm Cytoplasm literally means ‘cell material’. Cytoplasm is anything within the plasma cell membrane, but outside the nucleus. The following things that are found within a cell are individual organelles. Mitochondria Mitochondria are spherical or rod shaped bodies that can be found within the cytoplasm and are concerned with energy release. Each

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