Plant and Animal Cells

649 Words3 Pages
Plant and Animal cells Introduction: Cells can be all shapes and sizes; they form the basic structure of the plant or animal. Cells also help living things stay alive, and each organelle in the cell has its own function. There are two main types of cells: Eukaryotic cells (cells with a nucleus), and Prokaryotic cells (cells without a nucleus). The aim of this report is to explain cell theory, to compare and contrast animal and plant cells. I will also include comparisons of the organelles to a factory to help better understand the works of a cell. Cell theory There are three main points to cell theory. One is that the cell is the basic unit of life. Another is that all living things are composed of at least one cell: either being unicellular (one cell) or multi-cellular (two or more cells). The last point is that all cells come from pre-existing cells. Cell theory is simple to remember, but very important to know. Differences between Plant and Animal cells There are many things that are different between plant and animal cells. One thing is that animal cells are round and an irregular shape, while plant cells are rectangular and regular in shape. Also, plant cells can be bigger than animal cells (plant cells: 10-100 micrometers, animal cells: 10-30 micrometers). Plant cells have one big vacuole, and animal cells have a bunch of small vacuoles. Plant cells also have a cell wall and chloroplasts, while animal cells don’t have either, and animal cells have lysosomes while plant cells do not. Chloroplasts make food for the plant cell and trap light energy to convert it into food, just as a power plant converts fuel into heat in a factory. The cell wall protects and supports plant cells, just as a night guard protects the entire factory. Also, lysosomes accomplish digestion of food particles the same as the maintenance crew in a factory because they are both

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