Outliers Reflection Essay

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Reflection on Outliers: The Story of Success There are several reasons why Gladwell thinks people are successful. One of the reasons is the Matthew Effect. His example of this is that hockey players born in the beginning of the year are more mature and bigger than those born later in the year and are more successful. A second reason of success according to Gladwell is the 10,000 hour rule. This is like practice makes perfect. Gladwell also believes that support from your family is crucial to success. An example of this would be Chris Langan. He was a genius but had no support from his family, therefore he was not successful. In my opinion, the 10,000 rule is the most convincing reason for success. Very successful people, like The Beatles, Bill Gates, and Bill Joy, all worked very hard at what they do to become successful. All of these successful people were born at the right place at the right time and took advantage of that and worked hard to learn more, and practice more to become as successful as they were/are. Gladwell did studies on many people, and found that whoever worked or practiced for 10,000 or more hours were the successful ones, and the people who didn’t weren’t successful. It is said that 10,000 hours is the amount of time your brain needs to assimilate everything it needs to become an expert in your field. They have studied composers, basketball players, writers, ice skaters, concert pianists, and chess players, and found over and over that 10,000 is the number of hours they all needed to become successful. I believe that the Matthew Effect is the least convincing. This should not have any effect on how successful you become. It shouldn’t matter when you are born because eventually everyone reaches the same maturity and has the same chance to become just as successful. In my life, I find myself very determined to reach my goals in sports.

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