Arthur Miller Essays

  • Puritans In "The Crucible"

    414 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Crucible is a well thought out play that covers paranoia, hysteria, and religious intolerance. It was written by Arthur Miller and published in 1953. The story was based on the Salem Witchcraft trials, and is set in Salem, Massachusetts in the 1690s. And in short summary, is about how the people of Salem lose their mind to the "Devil". Throughout act 1 the Puritans lifestyle is introduced to the reader.

  • John Proctor Is He a Good Man

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    Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” is set in the small American Town of Salem. Miller used his play to show the problems in America in the 1950s. Millers play is not historically accurate but the witch trials in Salem did happen. Paranoia and suspicion is what fuelled both the McCarthy witch hunts in the 1950s, to out communism in America, and the Salem witch trials in the 1692 , to remove the devil in Salem. Miller draws parallels between the naming of names in the play and those asked to give names in the USA in the 1950s when McCarthyism was taking place.

  • Crucible Research Paper

    2370 Words  | 10 Pages

    The reason Miller chose the subject of false accusation is most likely because the people of his generation accused him of involvement with the Communist party which was analogous to what witchcraft would have been in the late seventeenth century. Based entirely on the Salem witch trials, The Crucible does a superb job of turning that devastating time period into an entertaining yet tragic play. Arthur Miller, born on October 17, 1915, in New York City, was a famous American playwright who composed many literary masterpieces. Born into a wealthy family, Miller was accustomed to having whatever he desired, that is, until the Great Depression caused his family to go bankrupt. During this time of uncertainty, Miller worked several jobs to earn enough money to pay for his college.

  • Compare Crucible, Red Fear, and Salem Witch Trials

    2228 Words  | 9 Pages

    The Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible, and the Red Scare all relate in one major way; groups of people all accused for actions that most of them never did. During the Salem Witch Trials at least two hundred people, mainly women, were accused of practicing witchcraft (Salem). The court had no actual proof of witchcraft against them except, they were still sentenced to jail or execution. The Crucible takes place in the same time period of the Salem Witch Trials and very closely mirrors the trials with a few liberties taken by Arthur Miller to make the stage production work with the space of a stage, and make the plot more relatable. Written in the early 1950’s and published not long after that, many believe that Miller wanted to connect the Salem Witch Trials to what was happening with McCarthyism.

  • How Does Miller Justify Death of a Salesman as a Tragedy When Critics Argue It Is Merely the Pathetic Demise of a Small Man?

    1533 Words  | 7 Pages

    How does Miller justify Death of a Salesman as a tragedy when critics argue it is merely the pathetic demise of a small man? Death of a Salesman is a controversial tragedy play written in the 1950’s by Arthur Miller. It is set in the 1930’s with the main protagonist being Willy Loman an out of prime business man struggling to pay the bills in his old age and struggling to accept the fact that his sons are failures (in his eyes). The theme I will be explaining is how this play and the traditional tragedies of Greek and Shakespearean are compared and contrasted with each other and why critics contend with Miller by saying that it is just the pathetic demise of a small man. This is because Death of a Salesman does not follow the traditional principles of every tragedy such as: * The main protagonist must have a fatal flaw which eventually leads to his death at the end * The main protagonist and ALL of his family and friends plus the audience must learn from the mistakes the main protagonist made but only after its too late for the characters to save him The main reason why Death of a Salesman is considered a tragedy is because like all traditional tragedies the main character always has a fatal flaw which causes their demise.

  • Crucible Act 1

    1917 Words  | 8 Pages

    Arthur Miller had studied American witchcraft in College, but it was not until later on in his life that he stumbled across an uncanny link between 2 eras of History. The 1940’s McCarthyism he was currently living in and the events of the Salem witch trials. In the 17th Century rumours of witchcraft were common and many psychosomatic sufferers, as well as people not suffering from mental disorders, were executed or prosecuted for witchcraft because in those times it was believed that if behaviour wasn’t normal then the devil must be to blame. This happened in Salem, rumours quickly spread that the strange behaviours of Betty Parris and Ruth Putnam were due to witchcraft and the false testimonies of Abigail Williams and her friends caused 20 innocent men and women to hang and many others to be prosecuted. A key theme of this play and possibly the main reason behind the belief that Satan’s presence was in Salem in 1692 is the power of religion.

  • Compare and Contrast Death of a Salesman and Bookends

    2224 Words  | 9 Pages

    The play becomes a tragedy as Willy Loman falls from the height of his self perception, reaching the level his name suggests, where he realizes that he is worth more to his family dead than alive. Death of a salesman debuted on Broadway in 1949, a time when America was recovering from World War 2, and trying to fight communism from within. An issue that Miller himself had become embroiled in. (Turner J.B.E, 1992) Miller uses the play to demonstrate the sadistic nature of capitalism, he uses Willy to depict how the beliefs of a capitalist society can destroy a man from within and in turn, destroy future generations of the society. Miller was born into a wealthy family, his father, an immigrant having built a company that employed over a thousand people, was the image of the 'American Dream' until the Wall Street crash bankrupted him.

  • Arthur Miller and Mccarthyism

    313 Words  | 2 Pages

    Those who did not go to jail were instead blacklisted, making it impossible for them to find work in years. Among the blacklist members was Arthur Miller, who decided to publish The Crucible as a political argument against McCarthyism. Arthur Miller relates to the Salem witch Trials to their contemporary same in his time, the McCarthy hearings. After years of suffering persecution, the Puritans of Salem developed a determined community revolved strictly around the word of God. Ironically, the Puritans persecuted their own.

  • The Crucible Dramatic Critique

    1326 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Crucible Dramatic Critique “Witchcraft hysteria” is a phrase that finds its origins in the immoral and wild witch hunts that took place in Salem, Massachusetts before the United States had even been established. Arthur Miller found it appropriate, and rightfully so, to compare the fear of communism in the 1950’s to these witch hunts that took place in the late 17th century in his play, The Crucible. Inspired by Miller’s play, Nicholas Hytner later directed and created a movie after the work; adding in a few of his own scenes and details wherever he saw necessary. In the play and movie The Crucible, the story is about a girl named Abigail Williams who initiates hysteria with the fear of witches in the highly religious town of Salem. The court condemns anyone whom the girls accuse of witchcraft and realized after the execution of numerous individuals how grave of a mistake they had made.

  • Crucible Critical Lens Essay

    1267 Words  | 6 Pages

    Firstly, Miller set the play in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. The reader understands that the residents of this colony at that period were Puritans, who strongly believed that Satan was present and active on Earth. At the beginning of the play, the author points out, "To the best of their knowledge the American forest was the last place on earth that was not paying homage to God. "(miller 5) This foreshadows that at that time Puritans attributed all of the unfortunate events to devil, so when misfortune falls, people will blame supernatural forces. In Act One, when Betty Parris, the daughter of Reverend Parris, was unconscious in the bed, the doctor couldn't find the medicine for her and suggested that they should "look to unnatural things for the cause of it.

  • Miller's Political Artistic And Political Aims

    1630 Words  | 7 Pages

    Effectiveness of Arthur Miller’s lterary and dramatic techniques on The Crucible in achieving his artistic political and artistic aims Written by Playwright Arthur Miller in the 1950s, whilst being set in 1692 in the puritan society of Salem, America, The Crucible recounts the witchcraft trials that took place in the late seventeenth century, but also drawing parallels to the then preceding Army vs. Joseph McCarthy trials against Communism. Having himself been tried and found guilty on national television, author Arthur Miller dramatizes the events that have been reported from the seventeenth century, whilst also making a clear connection to what occurred during the then present day McCarthy trials. His aims, political and artistic, are strikingly clear. Miller describes the evident corruption of the legal system, the overwhelming presence of religion within the society , the ideas of humanity and reputation along with hysteria present during the which trials. He explores these through the use of symbolism, imagery and dramatic techniques.

  • The Crucible Essay

    1340 Words  | 6 Pages

    Discuss How Tension Is Created Through Character, Language and Action in Act III of “The Crucible” The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. Arthur Miller uses character, language and action in Act III of The Crucible in order to create a certain amount of tension and different atmospheres. The play has a dual historical context of the Salem witch trials and McCarthy era in America. In this Act, John Proctor loses his fight for justices in Salem. He originally goes into the court to defend and save his wife but ends up being accused of witchcraft himself.

  • Irony in the Crucible

    394 Words  | 2 Pages

    In The Crucible, Arthur Miller uses situational, verbal, and dramatic irony as a way to demonstrate how the lies about witchcraft turned into chaos in just a short time in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The accusations of witchcraft that led to the witch trials, resulted in 27 people convicted, 19 people hanged, and one man crushed to death in just 8 months. Situational irony is used in the play very often because what actually happens, is completely the opposite of what is expected. When John Proctor is asked what the ten commandments are, the one he forgets is adultery. It's ironic because John Proctor loves his wife, and he cares for his reputation yet he puts himself at risk with Abigail.

  • The Thematic Interpretation of Death of a Salesman

    872 Words  | 4 Pages

    Arthur Miller, the author of the script Death of a Salesman, portrayed his opinion in a cleverly written play. He attacked the truth of the American Dream by using theming his work upon how false he considers it is. Miller portrays how he deems the American dream to be deceitful in the theme of Death of a Salesman through describing the failures of Willy, and his two sons, Biff and Happy. To begin, the financial and domestic debacles of Willy’s life express the falseness of the American Dream. Willy, a hardworking man immersed in the world of business, put in an enormous amount of effort into his employment as a salesman.

  • The crucible essay

    466 Words  | 2 Pages

    How Does the Crucible illustrate McCarthyism in the 50ies? The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller, which is based on real events in Massachusetts in the 1692. These events were known as the Salem witch trials, in which 150 were accused of witchcraft. In the play, three women have been originally accused of practicing witchcraft. They denied that they have been practicing such acts and blamed other people.

  • The Crucible: Feminism

    1939 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller in 1953 is a play based on the witchcraft trails in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 which foreshadows and has significant connotations to the McCarthyism era. Since 1938, Joseph McCarthy was the chairman of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) who were an anti-communist organisation. The HUAC echoed the trials in The Crucible, which were aimed to identify people who were involved in witchcraft, by investigating those who were believed to be communist sympathisers and asked to give names of pro-communist protesters. Post publication of the play, Miller found himself being questioned and asked to give names but refused which led him to have his passport taken away from him. In section of the play that we are given, talk of the Devil and acts of witchcraft are heavily implied by Hale.

  • Puritan Faith Essay

    1661 Words  | 7 Pages

    The Crucible, which was written around two hundred years after the real events, still holds significance to the Puritan’s religion because Arthur Miller based his play strongly on the actual history of what had happened in Salem in 1692. He was able to make it relevant to the 1950’s because of the spur of McCarthyism, which accused people of being communists, just like how the citizens of Salem accuse others of being witches and warlocks. Through the behavior of the characters in The Crucible, the double-edged

  • Background Story Arthur Miller

    516 Words  | 3 Pages

    Background story about Arthur Miller. I’m going to talk a little about the writer of the play, Arthur Miller and his relation to the Crucible and why he decided to heavily criticize McCarthyism. * Arthur Miller 1915 - 2005 * * Arthur Miller was born in Harlem, New York City and was a prominent figure in American theatre, most famous for his plays “Death of a Salesman” and “The Crucible”. He is considered to be one of the greatest dramatists of the twentieth century. * * There is a somewhat controversial debate about whether or not Arthur Miller was a communist, ‘officially’ it is considered to be untrue.

  • Death Of A Salesman

    679 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Death of a Salesman –Essay RE-DRAFT By: María José Gothe "Death of a Salesman" is a play by Arthur Miller, the well-known American writer and Pulitzer Prize winner who conveys the tragedy in the common man. During act 2, Linda exclaims, "Attention must be paid to him" referring to old Willy who is exhausted. However, Miller presents the reader to different points of view and complex characters, which make the audience, agree with Linda’s statement to a certain degree. Willy can be considered a victim of modern capitalist society, yet he is partly to blame for his family's disgraces as well as his owns. Miller indicates this from the beginning using subtle symbolism for characters names.

  • Death Of a Salesman

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    In Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman,” the most frequently asked question is whether Willy Loman deserves to be called a tragic hero. In literature, heroism is defined pretty loosely. Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, defined tragedy in his work Poetics. His idea of tragedy portrays men as better than they are. Only those of high or noble birth could be tragic heroes, and they usually have a ‘fatal flaw’ or weakness (“Harmatia” in Greek) that causes them to make a mistake and then suffer for it.