Nvq3 Essay

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ASSIGNMENT 301 Ai: Identify four different reasons why people communicate. To establish and maintain relationships To give and receive information and instructions To share opinions and feelings To express needs and preferences. Aii: Describe two ways how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between individuals using the service, their carers, colleagues and other practitioners. It builds good relationships with your colleagues and service users, if the way you communicate isn’t good enough, it could lead to problems within your workplace. This can lead to lack of trust and lack of confidence. You could end up giving the wrong type of care as you could miss out important information which could then result in harm to a service user or colleague (or both). Aiii: Identify three ways of finding out the communication and language needs of an individual. For each method, describe how effective it is at establishing the needs of the individual. Observation - By observing someone closely can be realised which language should be used, or whether there is any disability or illness. If there is a learning disability or hearing or visual impairment then particular method or style of communication should apply for establishing effective communication. Looking at Care Plan Folder – Care Plan entries and previous records help to identify the individual’s particular illness or disability and what kind of support does individual need to establish in order to fulfil the communication and language needs. Communicating with family friends and colleagues - Family, friends and colleagues who will have a great deal of information about a service user. They will have developed ways of dealing with communication and language possibly over a long period of time. Aiv: Describe three factors to consider when promoting effective
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