Modern Technology Has Made Our Lives Better

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Point: Modern Technolody provides of with many time saving devices such as cars, telophones, microwaves, PDA's, copiers etc. We can do more in less time Counter point: Many of us complain about having less time, 51% of Adults reported wanting more time and money. Where as all the free time gone? Research suggests that our free time is lost to TV. Also because we can do more, we are expected to do more. The expectations are higher. We expect to do more. Point: Thanks to Technology, we are rich or affluent. We have such ammenities as air conditioning and TV. In the 1990's, spending on luxary items increased 4 times faster than overall spending. Counter-Point: In spite of economic abundance, people do not feel good about thier f economic well being. Half of adults (American) want more money. Our system's commitment to growth as well as mass marketing as created in insatiable thirst for consumption (According to Watchel) We are not happier because we expect to have more. Point: Technology has improved our ability to process information exponentially. We can have acess to 500 channels of TV. We have online databases that contain to access millions of magazine and journal articles. We can use the internet to track the stock market, compare prices, and so forth. Also, we can communicate with friends in distant places. Google has recorded over 8 billion webpages. Counter point: David Shenk in his book, Data Smog, argues that the information glut no longer adds to the quality of life but only brings stress and confusion. and ignorance. . There is an everwidening gap between what we think and what we should understand. For example, the one issues of NY TImes has more info that what someone in the 1600's would have come across in thier entire lifetime. I've also heard something along the lines that we make more decisions in a day that people 100 years ago made
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