Welcome To Fatland Summary

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As human beings we always want more and more. There is no limit to how much we want and business executives have realized this. They want that greed that they helped develop within us to come out and buy all of their products, sustaining that it’s good for our economy, but it is good for our health? There is no benefit in consuming more products to stabilize our economy and allow business owners to gain more wealth, if the consumer is also gaining vast health risks with the purchase of these products. Over the last couple of years, the United States has, not only, become the most obese country in the world, but also has a large increase in health problems such as heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, and strokes. Business executives of fast food restaurants do not consider the well being of their consumers because that same greed they have, doesn’t allow them to worry about them. In chapter two of the book, “Welcome to Fatland,” there is a focus on how executives came up with different ways to earn more profits and entice customers to buy their products. The best marketing strategy they have developed is “bigness.” Basically, this strategy consists of offering larger quantities to consumers. The cost to the company to produce bigger goods is only slightly different than producing the regular sized, and they could charge consumers a higher amount. As Critser says “yet…show more content…
It is amazing to see how much sizing and calories have increased. “Between 1970 and 1994, the USDA reports, the amount of food available in the American food supply increased 15 percent – from 3300 to 3800 calories or by about 500 calories per person per day.”(Critser, 2003, P.459) It has grown so much more that now the meal in McDonald is 1550 calories per meal, an amazing 590 to 1550 per person per day. It seems there is no end to the increase in calories, which makes us, ask ourselves, when will the sizing increase

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