The Obesity Problem In America

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Because of our gluttonous diets and sedentary lifestyles, America ranks one of the highest in worldwide obesity statistics. According to national obesity trends, more than one third of adult Americans are considered obese, and the rise continues at a steady incline. Even after all the P90X commercials and Jenny Craig diets, Americans still fall victim to the double quarter pounder with cheese. Sadly, with a supersized meal comes a supersized health problem, and society is feeling its burden through diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Weight gain has become a prominent enough that, we now face a nationwide crisis that kills up to 400,000 citizens a year, and raises medical costs into the hundred billions. The real question – how did we all become so fat? The food we eat is plagued with fats, salts, sugars, and harmful preservatives that have ultimately deteriorated our society as a whole. A recent study claimed that being overweight isn’t from over consuming, but from eating too little REAL food. This means hearty whole grains and unprocessed fruits and vegetables, opposed to whopping Big Macs and potato chips saturated in salt. We have overwhelmed our bodies with artificial coloring, preservatives, and chemicals that even the keenest investigative journalist wouldn’t be able to find their…show more content…
The processed burgers look so juicy and delicious and the king size candy bars don’t look too bad either. Ignorance and bad choices have driven us down the dreary path to obesity, knowledge and self control will slowly but surely bring us back. To righteously affect the habits we have created today, everyone must be aware of what healthy food really is, how to obtain it, and how to create a proper meal plan for themselves and their families. With contentious choices, active lifestyles, and satisfactory meals – we’ll eventually return to a healthy, diabetes free

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