Overdo Everything By Gayle Bessenoff: Article Analysis

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Author Gayle Bessenoff has an interesting view on American society today. In her article “Southern Connecticut State University Professor: Americans Overconsume, Overdo Everything”, she states that we as Americans do everything too much. The American dream right now is to own a big house, drive nice cars, and have the latest equipment. The American Dream has transformed from being happy to being rich. We are so absorbed in this materialistic idea of the American Dream that we do not know when to stop buying and eating. Americans will buy the latest cell phone even if the one they already have works perfectly fine. They will gorge themselves with food even if they are not hungry anymore just because they paid for it. This overconsumption is the reason that America has some of the troubles that it has. It leads to things like obesity, hoarding,…show more content…
It puts pressure on people to become rich so they can buy everything. Now the sole meaning of being successful in America is to have a lot of money. Our eating habits are also hurt by this idea of having everything. We eat too much and buy bigger portions than we need just because it costs only two extra quarters. I am not saying that having nice things is a bad. Of course we all want the newest products and most reliable hardware. Most of the time it makes our lives easier and more efficient. The problem arises when we allow these materials to consume us. It is a problem when we buy an LCD flat screen television that we cannot afford. It is a problem when we get mad at our friends or family for accidentally spilling soda on the interior of our new sports car. We need to find happiness in things other than materials. We should spend our money on going bowling with friends or going on a vacation with the family. The experiences and people that one has in his or her life is what make that person successful, not a phone that can do your

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