Mini-Q Where Will You Put Yourmillion Dollars?

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Progressivism Mini-Q Progressivism: Where Will You Put Your Million Dollars? Overview: The year is 1900. Two years ago America won a "splendid little war" with Spain and is feeling quite good about itself. However, successes outside the country leave nagging problems within. What, for example, should be done about dirty meat packing plants, or young children working in the mines? A reform movement called Progressivism is taking shape to work on these and other problems. You want Progressivism to succeed and have some money to help the cause. This Mini-Q asks you to think about where you will put your money. The Documents: Document A: Deforestation: John Muir Document B: Child Labor: Lewis Hine Document C: Women's Suffrage: Jane Addams Document D: Food Safety: Upton Sinclair A Mini Document Based Question (Mini-Q) © 2009 The DBQ Proiect Thlo noriA ma\ ir\r 45 Progressivism Mini-Q Hook Exercise: Progressivism Directions: The United States is a good country. It has had a democratic government longer than any other country on earth. It is filled with many caring people. It is also true that the United States isn't perfect. Below are ten problems that continue to nag America. With a partner do these two tasks. Be prepared to share your thinking with the full class. Task One: Identify one problem that would make it easiest to solve the other nine problems. The most basic underlying problem is Task Two: Explain how solving your number one problem would make it easier to solve six of the other problems on the list below. Problems Factory jobs going to other countries Costly health care Weak schools Drugs Gang violence Too much dependence on fossil fuels like coal and oil Homelessness Income gap between rich and poor Overpopulation High taxes (E) ?nnp The DRO Prniorl XU!~ ^»~/N

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