Ctc And Low Income Families Essay

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Why EITC and CTC are so important for Low- Income Families. POL201 Instructor James Ronan June 10, 2014 I’m going to discuss two of the policies that have helped million come out of poverty. One policy is EITC and the other is CTC. They are both tax codes that may families can use to help with raising their children and helping with getting out of poverty. “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.” (President Franklin Delano Roosevelt) What great words from someone who understood what the American economy would be like in the future. He knew that there would have to be some relief for low income families. In 2008 the poverty level was extremely high, 40 million people were living in poverty, and some were children under the age of 18, poverty increased from 18 percent to 19 percent in 2008. One of the most useful tools for combating poverty is the U.S. tax code. Unfortunately for too long tax laws in the U.S. had been written and written again for facilitate benefits flowing upward, disproportionately enriching…show more content…
All of these polices are great, but what happens when the money runs out? How will families stay off of welfare? That’s a good question and the house and senate have been working on a plan. They are urging tax leaders to expand policies that will help low-income Americans save. It’s called the Financial Security Credit Tax reform. This reform will help correct this imbalance. It allows low-income tax filers to deposit part of their tax refund into a savings account right on their tax return. To encourage their participation their deposits would be matched by the government up to $500.00 per year. A pilot program has been used and has shown that this program might or will
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