Meet Juan Communication

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Commutation is a vital part of a successful business. Lee Lacocoa a successful business man and author of “where have all the leaders gone?” once said, “You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere.” Meet Juan a 23 year old Hispanic native. After completing high school Juan went on to train and become certified in graphic design. Juan later spent years working for a South American based advertising agency. However, upon moving to North America where a language barrier placed restraints on his communication with future employers he found himself settling for a minimum wage job as a janitor. Although Juan is a fictional character he illustrates how a break communication can prevent one from…show more content…
He sheds light on the fact that students, who are future employees, should also be able to write well, use processing tools and send information electronically. One can make sure they possess these traits thus, being able to communicate in a business setting by familiarizing their self with the characteristics of effective communication. Those characteristics are making sure one is providing practical information. One should also give facts rather then vague impressions. Presenting information in a concise, efficient manner is another trait of effective communication. This means one should simplify and condense all information given. One should also make sure to clarify expectations and responsibilities of the receiver. Tell them exactly what is expected from them in their execution and offer compelling, persuasive arguments and recommendations. (Bovee,…show more content…
There are two channels in business communication internal and external. With internal communication there are two sub- channels formal and informal. A downward flow is information from one’s superior to the subordinates. This type of flow usually contains orders of responsibility for employees and instructions. When the employees send information to the bosses it is called and upward flow. This type of flow is less frequent then the downward flow, but more common in the workplace now. However, when employees communicate between departments with each other it is called a Horizontal flow. During the Horizontal flow information such as how to complete a task efficiently and solving problems are shared. The problem with this type of flow of communication is that information that should be shared with higher ups is
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