Diploma of Management - Assessment 1: Foster Workplace Learning

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Assessment Task 1 - Foster Workplace Learning 1. How can learning and development specialists help managers design and develop effective learning programs? Learning and development specialists can help tailor and design learning programs for manager and departments who wish to train their staff in new procedures, methods or equipment/software, as well as help refresh peoples skills, or assist with helping someone who is struggling. Learning development specialists can assist with translating organisational needs from department to department into learning objectives, and designed or sourcing correct material for the actual learning. They are experienced in tailoring learning, not only for the organisation and its needs; but for adults and they way they learn and want to learn and how to effectively teach someone the learning material, while encouraging and promoting learning. 2. Why is it desirable to maximise individual and team participation in learning events and how can this be done? It’s desirable to maximise participation in learning events as it helps allow the organisation to better create efficient procedures to help promote a positive learning environment for its staff. By creating a positive learning environment, the business is better equipped to conduct business, keep staff for longer and ensure the goals of the organisation are met and kept; the creation of an efficient work environment is periodical in nature and means that the organisation has a better trained and well equipped workforce. Maximising participation can be accomplished by allowing the staff that will be taking the learning events are involved in decision and the manner of the training, the design of the training or by doing a skills audit on the team or staff member that to determine what, if any training is required, and if the training is directly related to the needs of
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